Get started quickly with the DHL ServicePoint app

Trainings videos

The DHL ServicePoint app offers all the possibilities for sending and picking up DHL packages in your store. All functions are together in one handy app. In the training videos you will learn more about the use.

Courier delivers parcels

The DHL courier comes to visit and brings the packages for your customers to your shop. The app helps you to scan quickly, so your customers know that they can pick up their parcels from you.

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Your customer comes to pick up a parcel

Your customers come to pick up the parcels in your store. With the app you scan the packages very easily and your customer signs for receipt.

YouTube sets cookies, when viewing a YouTube video, in order to keep statistics of what videos the user has seen and of the user's preferences for embedded YouTube videos.

Create paid shipment

The consumer wants to send a parcel, but does not yet have a shipping label. No problem! Via the app you can create the shipping label within one minute. Then you settle with the sender.

YouTube sets cookies, when viewing a YouTube video, in order to keep statistics of what videos the user has seen and of the user's preferences for embedded YouTube videos.

Your customer comes to bring a parcel

Your customer will bring a package to your shop to send or return. With the app you can easily scan the package and create a receipt for your customer.

YouTube sets cookies, when viewing a YouTube video, in order to keep statistics of what videos the user has seen and of the user's preferences for embedded YouTube videos.

Courier picks up parcels

At the end of the working day, the DHL delivery person will pick up all packages from you. With the app you ensure that all packages are prepared for departure.

YouTube sets cookies, when viewing a YouTube video, in order to keep statistics of what videos the user has seen and of the user's preferences for embedded YouTube videos.